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This Will Help You Restore Your Passion For God

This Will Help You Restore Your Passion For God

“Passion” is the keyword in relationships.

It means a fervency, an urgency, an unquenchable desire, and longing to be with someone. That’s what God is looking for from us.

I’m sure you remember the days of courtship before marriage.  Day and night phone calls, special cards and flowers, picnics, and fun outings.  Life together was magical.

Over the years, the passion turns to polarization.  You drift.  You disengage.  You start looking in greener pastures.

How can we passionately return to our first love with God?  

  1. Remember your roots.

    I read a story about an old couple driving along in the car.  The man’s wife said, “We used to ride close together.  Now, we are on opposite sides of the car, hugging the doors.”  The man thought a moment and said, “Who moved?”

    This week, I want you to think back to the time you gave your heart to Christ.  His love for you, His death on the cross, His walk with you was amazing.

    Who moved?”

    We moved.  He is still there.  He loves you as much as He always has.  Ask His forgiveness for being so distracted and disengaged.  He welcomes you back to His side with open arms.

  2. Return to His Word.

    The Bible is not a book.  It is a love letter.  It is written by a Bridegroom to a Bride.  Didn’t you read your love letters over and over?

    We are not in a transactional (business) relationship with Christ.  We are in a personal, intimate, love relationship with Christ.

    Go back to His letter to you.  Read Revelation chapters 2 and 3.  Jesus, your heavenly Bridegroom, is telling you of His love and His concern about things that threaten your upcoming “marriage” eternally.

    This week, read through the epistle of First John, one chapter a day. It is a love letter to remind you of how deeply the Father and Christ personally love you eternally.

  3. Remove all other loves.

    To “re-turn” to God, we must “turn away” from competing lovers.

    I must be honest:  I may feel I have no time for prayer but amazingly find hours to surf the Web or practice my hobby.

    If you feel something has crowded into your private space with God, show it to the door this week.  Invite it to leave.  Turn it off. 

    Now, you have time.  Get alone with God.  Get quiet and wait for Him.  Worship Him.  Talk to Him.  Let His peace, His rest, His power fill your “inner person.”  You will wonder why you ever got caught up with other things.

  4. Rest in His companionship.

    True love is not a frenzy of activity.  Maybe you did that during your early stages of romance.  The longer and deeper a relationship grows, it is more about “being” than “doing.”

    David said, “Return to your rest, oh my soul” (Ps. 116:7).

    Enjoy walking with God.  Relaxing with God.  Returning to God every day this week.

    We are on a quest this month for personal revival.

Today, we “return.”

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