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Try These 3 Ways To Actually Overcome Regret And Increase Your Bravery

Try These 3 Ways To Actually Overcome Regret And Increase Your Bravery

Grief and regret go together.

You grieve over missed opportunities, mistakes, and failures.  Regret paralyzes you from the next step.

How do you overcome regret and become brave again?

  1. Shake off the dust of the past.”

    Jesus had some advice for His disciples when they were rejected in a city:  “shake off the dust that clings to your feet.”

    Paul got bit by a deadly snake.  Instead of crying and mourning, he simply “shook it off in the fire” and was unharmed.

    Both of these stories illustrate your first move against regret:  “shake it off.”  Don’t allow it to hold your thoughts captive.  OUT LOUD say, “All things (even my failures) are working together for my good” (Rom. 8:28).

  2. “Prepare for a new assignment.” 

    Samuel was very grieved and regretted that he had anointed Saul as king.  Finally, God spoke to him directly in 1 Samuel 16: 1: “How long will you grieve over Saul?  Fill your horn with oil and go” (to anoint a new king):  DAVID!


    God has a “next” for you.  He will use your mistakes to change you.  “The breaking is part of the making.”

    If you never turn away from your “Saul” (a past mistake) you will never find your “David” (your new assignment)! 

  3. “Knock down the excuses that are in your way”

    As soon as you start moving in the new direction, you will have to deal with the thoughts of failure.  Is there life after failure?

    Failure becomes an excuse.  Discouragement in tough challenges becomes an excuse.  Disappointment with yourself becomes an excuse.

WHATEVER your excuse is for not launching out in the new direction…KNOCK IT DOWN.

  • Did you drop out of school and regret it?  “Enroll again.”

  • Did you fail in a business and regret it?  “Start another one.”

  • Did you lose a relationship and are grieving it?  “Meet new people.”

Regret is keeping you on “top dead center.”  

Tomorrow is a brand new day for you.  It will only be corrupted by the regret you bring from yesterday into it.

Shake it off.  Get prepared.  Knock down all excuses.”


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