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Purpose in life is very easy to discover.  It’s only one thing.

Purpose in life is very easy to discover. It’s only one thing.

Do you feel like your life is pretty random?  Just going through actions every day that repeat and have little meaning?

Glorify your name.”

These three simple words, spoken in prayer by Jesus just hours before His death, show His daily purpose.

Here is the full version of what He said:  “For this PURPOSE I have come to this hour.  Glorify your Name.”

It’s that simple.  

I believe that was Christ’s life purpose.  It should be both mine and yours.

Here are some ways to fulfill that purpose in your life:

1. Turn everything random and routine into something to glorify God.

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10: 31)

Can you imagine driving your car, doing your job, mowing your grass, or raising your kids, all to the glory of God?  “Whatever you do…”

There is nothing that becomes meaningless anymore.  Give your best effort for everything. You do it so that others will glorify God for it.

2. Constantly give God the glory for everything He does for you.

Not many of us win the Super Bowl or the Masters.  Those athletes usually say, “I want to give glory to God…”

We must use our tiny trophies to bring glory to God.

A promotion.  Recovery from sickness.  A financial windfall.  A baby. 

Deflect the glory for every small accomplishment toward Him.  Most of our lives are unnoticed accomplishments.  Give Him great glory for them.

3. Ask God for things that will bring Him glory.

Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (Jn. 14: 13-14)

Not all prayers need to be about us.

Turn them around into things that will bring glory to God.  Actually, that’s the prayers He is most interested in.

“Lord, help us to find the perfect home for your glory.”

“Lord, heal my body for your glory.”

“Lord, save my family members for your glory.”

Make the purpose of all prayer to bring Him glory.

4.  See in every tragedy an opportunity to bring God glory.

When Jesus’ was told that his friend Lazarus was sick, Christ said to His disciples, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (Jn. 11: 4)

Lazarus did die.

Christ used that tragedy to raise Him from the dead and bring great glory to the God of Israel.  

What act of God’s love and mercy can you show today to someone undergoing extreme trials?  

Do it for the glory of God.

I guess it dawned on me that I exist to bring glory to God.

So do you.

You will be doing it for eternity.

You may as well get started now.

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