All tagged Prayer

Take a Break Before You Brake

We all reach a point where we need to take a break. Jesus told His disciples to come apart and rest for a while. Someone said once, "if you don’t come apart you will surely come apart!" Perhaps you are at a point that you have become compulsive.

My Christmas Prayer

During this holiday season, I like to spend time with the “5 F’s”: “friends, family, food, fishing, and football!”

I also like to take time to give thanks to God for one other “F”: Fellowship.

Knowing God is amazing. Worshipping God is better. Hearing from God is the best!

4 Major Tools That Will Help You to Forgive

All of us face hurt.

Some of us choose to forgive.

The rest of us live in bitterness.

How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.

Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

You will hopelessly hold on to hurt until you realize what He knew:

Forgiveness becomes easier when we realize our hurt is really Satan vs. God. People are just caught in the middle.”

How do you “forgive and forget?” We have a pretty good Example.

Here are 4 perspectives that will help you to forgive: