5 Ways You Can Conquer Grief

Grief is real.  It doesn’t go away quickly.  It requires time, Scripture, and support.

One year ago this week, my son Jonathan lost a pre-born baby.  He and Angie’s journey included a “healing song” Jonathan wrote that has brought them through. 

Here are a few thoughts to help you in your journey of recovering from personal loss:

My Top 5 Secrets to Being a Successful Grandparent

What is your legacy?

It is not what you build or accomplish. It is your family, your sons, daughters, and grandchildren. 

You may not have children or grandchildren yet. They may be spiritual children and grandchildren, people you are fathering and mothering in their lives. The same principles apply.

Here are my top 5 secrets to successful grandparenting:

My Top 5 Secrets of Passing Through a Crisis

“Crisis management” is not my favorite thing.  It is, however, often thrust upon you out of nowhere.  If you knew it was coming, it wouldn’t be a crisis!

Can you keep your head in a crisis?  Do your choices lead to disaster or do they point the way forward? 

Here are the 5 top things I do for direction in one of life’s sudden, unexpected crises:


My Top 5 Secrets to Enjoying Life

Why are people making more, owning more, and interacting more…and enjoying it less?

Solomon had everything:  intelligence, pleasure, productivity, possessions, and long life.  In spite of that, he said, “I hated life!”  Really?

What are the secrets to enjoying your life…without or without all those things?

4 Lifetime Lessons From An Excellent Governor

Do you ever wonder how the wheels of power turn?   How a person with millions of people looking to them for leadership manages his life, his time, and his priorities?  

I had six wonderful years holding a weekly Bible study for Louisiana Governor Mike Foster and his top staff.  He didn’t know it, but while I was teaching him the Bible, he was teaching me excellent leadership! 

Here are the 4 main lessons I observed about him that made a lifetime impact on me: