Every Day Has to Be Your "A" Game

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like, “Today, I will bring my “B” or “C" game.  Yesterday was great but today will only be average”?


Here are a my top 6 secrets to consistently bring my “A” game and make a difference in the world!: 

The Why Will Lead You to the Way

This is not an original statement with me.  However, it has shaped my life greatly.

As you start into a new year, have you discovered the “why” behind all of your goals, planning, and purposes?

This subtle, simple shift can mean the difference between total life change and miserable failure.

Here are some examples: 

My Christmas Prayer

During this holiday season, I like to spend time with the “5 F’s”:  “friends, family, food, fishing, and football!”

 I also like to take time to give thanks to God for one other “F”:  Fellowship.

This Christmas week, I listed a few things I would like to say to Him:

A Note of Sanity in a Mad Dash for THINGS

People broke through doors, overturned displays, ran through aisles and pulled down televisions on to people’s heads and into a heap on the floor.

Black Friday.  How did we go from “Seasons Greetings” to “Seasons Beatings?” 

Here are some good perspectives to keep during this most blessed season: 

Do These 6 Secrets When You Feel Like Quitting

People are quitting too easily.  They quit a difficult  marriage.  They quit a job.  They quit a hard task.  Anyone can start and have a “honeymoon” but it takes a certain mentality to stay and finish the job.

I love the Message translation of 2 Cor. 4:1—“…don’t throw up your hands and walk off the job because you run into occasional hard times.”

Here are my 6 secrets to “hanging in there…”: